Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Two more splendid images from Judy Sidonie Tillinger. Go to her blog magpie' and click on all her wonderful Moroccan pictures. 
Argan trees, whose nuts give a most wonderful oil, grow on the coast of Morocco and almost nowhere else.  The oil is used both for cooking and as a beauty aid.
Here a woman sits with a traditional basket of argan nuts.

The argan tree is rather dull and unprepossessing -- a little bit like an olive to look at but not so pretty. Goats climb the trees, eat the nuts.........they pass through the goats.........
and voila!
Magic oil. 


Willow said...

The argan nuts look a little like coffee beans in her basket. They are valued for the process of going through a goat's intestine???

notmassproduced said...

oooh lovely blog - i will be back for more Moroccan inspiration