Muriel from South Africa has very kindly given me this award! I am very flattered and honored.
So now I get to pass it on.
This is fun but I sometimes feel bad not to give it to everyone - which I would. I suppose it's just a way of telling people we enjoy their contributions to Blogworld. Please post or not to suit.........
Tracey of Pink Purl for always being upbeat and artistic and celebrating 2 years in Blogland.
Constance of Rochambeau for enriching and delighting us.
Gretel of Middle of Nowhere a wonderful writer, artist and creative spirit.
Willow of Willow Manor who likes the same books and movies I do.
Karen Cole of Artsortments because her latest sketches of people at the beach are too good to miss.
Kristen of Kristen's Brainstorm who is an amazing mom and lives in Marrakech and is recovering from a very serious illness which she writes about in a most thoughtful way.
Suburbia from Moments in Suburbia because she makes me remember what it was like to be a mother of young children and what fun it was.
I am always intrigued by the complexity of the detail surrounding doorways.
Here one on rue Riad Zitoun lakadim.
Another on the same street with all sorts of notices for businesses including a lawyer.
Many, many thanks for sharing this award with me, Elizabeth--you are sweet friend! :o) So glad to be catching up with your posts here...Happy Days ((HUGS))
Muriel is right! You Do HAVE two Brilliant Blogs!
Many thank Elizabeth! For thinking me worthy! And for introducing me to some new blogs here!
When can you & Celeste come visit?
Elizabeth, thank you so much!! I am very, very flattered and honored, dear bloggy friend.
And kudos to you, too! Your Marrakesh is always brilliant!!
Willow x o
It has been awhile since I visited, but it is wonderful to re-enter your world and experience the rich life you have been living there. And congrats on your award!
Well, thank you very much, Elizabeth. I am flattered that you would think of me. I am touched.
Love those doors.
Ever think of going into the Moroccan tour business? Sign me up!
Congratulations, Elizabeth! That's terrific news. I recognize two of those well deserving bloggergals and I'll check visit the other award recipients' blogs soon. Thank you for their links.
Congratulations on your award, Elizabeth!
Thanks Elizabeth for giving me an award. You are so kind and encouraging. I bet you were an amazing teacher there at WWHS. My nephews went there by the way!
Merci et Choukran!
love, Kristen
I saw you over at 'Willows', hope you don't mind me popping over. It was the word Marrakesh that tempted me over, I have another bloggy friend who lives in Marrakesh (Myriam). I have made a promise to myself if i get fully mobile this will be one of the first placers I will visit. I just seem to have this attraction to the place, mind you when I saw your post with the hen in the jar, It did disturb me a little.....
Superb blog.
Lovely doors Elizabeth!
Your blog is inspiring and brilliant!
Congrats on the very well deserved award! Love those door photos :)
Gosh, what beautiful photos.
Congratulations on your award, Elizabeth. The House in Marrakesh is always so colourful. x
Thanks Elizabeth, that's a lovely reason for sending me an award. I am honoured :)
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