On my very early morning walk round Essouira the other day, I came upon a shop which looked delightful.........
........on closer inspection my suspicions were confirmed.........
See all the lanterns and pretty ceramics with Islamic calligraphy on. Really the sort of place to discover treasures.
I don't very often do these but sometimes they seem fun.
Gemma of Greyscale Territory in Tasmania (now there's an exotic spot for you!) who has a most fascinating and poetic blog tagged me for this one.
I hope I have got all the parts of it right.
10 years ago
We were in the middle of preparing to move from Long Island to an apartment in Manhattan. Our daughter was about to graduate from high school.
I was working as a teacher.
5 places you have lived:
You can tell from this that I'm a very lucky person.....
Oxford, England
Florence, Italy
Los Angles, California
Long Island, NY
Marrakech, Morocco
3 bad habits (I'm glad we only had to put three!)
Playing much too much online solitaire
Loving sugar
Being too early for everything
If I was a billionaire
Aside from fixing all the world's problems and making crusades against everything bad and giving universal health care and education and all that, and making people be kinder to one another......
On a personal level I would employ a wonderful, simple cook to make us lovely healthy meals that I didn't plan.
I would have a little farm with chickens and ducks, a donkey and a super huge garden
I would have a massage every day.......
This is fun, I could go on and on.
In fact I wouldn't need a billion dollars at all........
5 jobs I've had
Since I'm very ancient, I've had lots of jobs some odder than others.
My first real job was at Blackwell's antiquarian book shop in Oxford.
I sold hand-knitted sweaters to tourists opposite the Pitti Palace in Florence.
I taught English and History in Peckham, South London
I was a rather useless salesperson selling "Contemporary French Impressionist" paintings ( don't ask!) at the Wally Findlay Galleries on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills
I taught creative writing for 22 years on Long Island while moonlighting as an art critic for LI Newsday
5 people to tag to pass the meme on
Please only do this if you have time.
Also anyone else who would like to join in, please do.........
These are just a few people with super blogs.........
Paz of Paz's New York Minute
Willow of Willow Cottage
Sara of Much Ado About Something
Constance of Rochambeau
Sarah of Passementeries Diary