If you live in Morocco, you will have a very hard time of it if you don't like cats. They are all over the place - relaxing and generally taking it easy.
This group were spotted in Essouira in the late afternoon.
Not where I would have chosen to relax - but catching a little sun near Cafe France.
This cat looks like one on Mimi's relatives, flat out in the garden of the Bahia palace.........
where I spotted this most handsome fellow who had much better things to do than be photographed by me.
As regards the cat soap opera (most of which happens on the roof)
Currently we have Mimi ( main character)
her teenage son Ollie - just now asleep on our bed even though it is past lunch time......but he was out all night.
Mr.B. Senior who is only allowed on the roof because whenever he breaks into the house he sprays on things and is old and ugly but charming.
Add Ginger a sleek, pretty orange and white big kitten - the cynosure of all eyes. Ollie, not quite knowing what to do yet, smacks her in a junior high school sort of way.
Old Mr.B lets Ginger eat his food because he loves her........but she, of course, cannot be bothered with such a scruffy old man.
Added to this there are the "Not-Ollies" a group of young cats who resemble Ollie. Tufty - who is large, tabby with very hairy ears. We don't feed him but he sneaks up when we aren't looking.
He hasn't been round lately.
In the derb there is a cousin of Mr.B's who hangs round the little hanut (corner store) waiting to be offered Laughing Cow cheese triangles which foolish people occasionally buy for him (this means me......)
As noted before, most cats look pretty prosperous. The other day in Essouira a man stopped and gave a kitten a whole sardine - quite a treat.
Each butcher or fishmonger has its resident crew of hangers on. Each neighborhood has cats of a particular color - say black and white or marmalade or fluffy.
I suppose it depends who the toughest tomcats is locally.
Poor Mimi's love life is at an end......the only cat in the derb reduced to wearing one of those plastic collars last spring after she had her operation.
She hopes no one now remembers her humiliation.
She eats now to drown her sorrows.......
hi, thanks for visiting my blog. i like the pictures in your blog, pretty!
Cats cats cats - and Morocco: I love them too!!!! Every year I make a calendar out of the best cat photos from the year's visit(s) to Marrakech: they are now my trademark Christmas present!!
I'll bring you one mext time I come to Marrakech if you like, although you seem to wbe well on the way to having the material yourself!
Wonderful feline drama. Sort of like the underworld. We saw cats, cats, everywhere in Rome, too. Everywhere except the cathedrals, but the cats made up for it by hanging out in the cemeteries.
We all ought to get together to make a cats of the world calendar.
Yes, we saw all the cats years ago in the forum - Italian cats seem to like pasta.........
I would love to watch a cat soap opera. I miss owning cats. Through my blog, you can go to my blog for my authorship and discourse class. It may be of some interest, it may not. I hope it helps with some of my understanding of the class.
I must confess that I am not much of a cat lover.
My daughter adores them though. I remember one summer in Italy she photographed them everywhere :-)
Hi Elizabeth. I have loved looking through your posts, it makes for the most wonderful armchair travelling!
Thank you, thank you!
I sense a secret conspiracy, cats are taking over the planet it seems. Majorca, and England, are over run with them too. They are VERY cute, but a bit TOO aloof for my taste.
Fun to see so many cats. We don't seem to have too many strays around between the huge racoons and the occasional coyote...
Very cute. Any dogs?
Hi Elizabeth- I'm late to this post but I love the cats! (I have three.) I've been scrolling through, and again-- the colors in your photos are just captivating. Morocco looks like a fascinating place to live. -Jennifer
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