This is a very bad photo of the railway station. There is a very grand new one springing up right near it - so, like the old airport, this stylish colonial building will soon be a memory.
Next door to the train station is the Suprabus station where you wait in a little courtyard that adjoins the train station.
They really don't like you to take photos of the trains though the Coca Cola chairs are permissible.
We were heading to the seaside on the bus when suddenly a very thick fog descended - the first I've encountered in Morocco.
You couldn't see anything at all out of the bus windows and cars had their headlights on.
When the bus stopped for people to get a snack, you couldn't see the other side of the road.
But when we got to Essouira the sun was shining.
No incidents or geodes?
No, we didn't crash into anything - though we passed two horrible wrecks.Ate tasty crepes in Essouira and sunbathed on lounge chairs on the beach.......!
I saw the fog in the background and thought, "What?! Fog?!" Even paradise needs a rest from sunshine once in a while.
The sweet old railway building! I hate to think of it going away (unless, of course, the plumbing is bad).
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